Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Peking Enten Haus

 On Sunday night, we tried Peking Duck at Penking Enten Haus, that we wanted to try for a long time.  The menu is around 25-30 per person, with prix-fixe entree, dessert and coffee.  To be very honest, it was not the best Peking Duck I've had, probably because they don't use best quality duck, besides their unelaborate presentation; the slices were just heaped up on a small plate instead of being layered neatly.  Though the sauce to go with duck and veggies were very tasty!  Other than Peking Duck, I enjoyed the original cocktails using Chinese plum wine, mmm nice weekend pleasure!!
ORIGINAL Peking-Enten-Haus Hamburg
Rentzelstraße 48, 20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 45 80 96
Fax: +49 (0)40 244 24 59 80

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