Monday, March 24, 2014

Cheese Fondue

 My husband took a day off from work so we celebrated a relaxed Friday night with Cheese Fondue.  Having had rainy, cold and gray weather all day, hot and cheesy Fondue with salad and wine was perfect menu for the cozy night.  The fondue we had on the trip to Chamonix was unforgettable so I tried to imitate their Fondue using only Comte Cheese.  I basically followed the instruction a French friend taught me but I had some radish left from Smorrebrod decoration and tried to fondue them too.  It was so fresh and went really well with heavy cheese like Comte!  I guess some root veggies or hard fruits like apple or pear will be nice and colorful addition for a Fondue party. 
   -Mar. 21 grocery shopping € 12.70/ € 69.51 left

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
400g Comte cheese
1 cup white wine
1 garlic
1 baguette

1. Cut baguette into bite size cubes.  Grate Comte cheese.
2. Slice garlic in half and rub the inside of the Fondue pot.  Discard used garlic.
3. Place the pot over medium-high heat and add wine,  let it simmer for about 2 min. to burn off alcohol in wine.
4. Turn the heat low and add grated cheese. Keep stirring for 2 more min. so the cheese doesn't get burnt at the bottom.
5. Transfer the pot to the table, keep it warm over a low flame in order to keep the liquidy consistency.   

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