Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Creamy Gorgonzola Cheese Risotto

There was still some Gorgonzola I used for Smorrebrod so I made risotto for Tuesday supper.  The salad to accompany creamy risotto was spinach&ruccola with coconut oil dressing.  I like using coconut oil for baking because it gives sweet aroma to my cupcakes, muffins and etc and most of all, it makes me feel less guilty than using tons of butter or vegetable oil.  Though I found it difficult to use for dressing as it's doesn't remain liquid on cold salad.  Every other ingredients have to be at room temperature since Coconut oil gets solid at 24 °C (76 °F) but I don't like soggy salad leaves...would there be any solution to that?  

 -Mar. 25 grocery shopping € 12.32/ € 57.19 left

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
1 cup risotto rice (I used Arborio)
1/2 medium onion
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 cup chicken stock
150g Gorgonzola cheese
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup low fat heavy cream

1. Chop onion finely. 
2. In a nonstick pan or pot, cook onion with 2 tbsp. olive oil until translucent, for about 2 min.
3. Add rice to 3 and cook for another 2 min.
4. Add chicken stock, turn the heat very low and let it cook for 15-20 min. until rice is al dente.
*add water little by little if water dries up completely and rice starts to burn
5. Stir in milk, heavy cream and Gorgonzola and stir until Gorgonzola is melted. 

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