Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I've thought of making Inarizushi (colloquially called "Oinarisan") for months and finally managed to make it last night.  Abura-age (fried Tofu Sheet) is the key ingredient for this sushi but a pack of 3 sheets costs as much as 2 in Germany, that kept me from making this tasty porches.  Not expensive anyway?  That may be true but it costs like ¥84 (about 60ct in Euro) for 5 at Japanese supermarket; the price is six times higher.  It's just hard to pay so much more when you know its true value...or am I just a miser??

Anyway, I was very happy to finally have this sweet taste of home cooking!  Gyoza and Tempra leftovers (were in the freezer) were side dishes as we're going on a long weekend trip to Denmark from Wednesday.  I hope I can post something interesting about food in our neighbor country!  

-Feb. 25 grocery shopping € 4.00/ € 30.73 left

Ingredients (for 6 pcs.)
  ...<for sushi rice>
1 1/2 cup Sushi rice
3 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. sugar
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp. roasted sesame seeds
 ...<for Tofu porch>
3 sheets of Abura-age
1 1/2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 1/3 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. Mirin
1/2 tsp. Sake
2/3 cup water

1. Cook rice.  Prepare mixture of vinegar, sugar&salt.

2. While rice is hot, pour in the vinegar mixture and mix lightly.  Combine sesame seeds too.

3. Cook Abura-age in boiling water for about 7-8 min., drain and squeeze tightly.  This is to get rid of excess oil.  

4. On a cutting board spread a sheet and roll a chopstick over it about 30 times.  This is to separate layers inside and create a pocket.  Cut in half. 
5.  In a pot, heat soy sauce, sugar and Mirin until sugar is melted.  Put Aburaage sheets in the pot and cook for 3-4 min. then cool.
6. Squeeze Abura-age porch lightly, open the porch, place a portion of sushi rice inside and form. 

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