Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spaghetti with Tuna&Cabbage

The menu for the second clearing-fridge day (on Tuesday) was...  
 Spaghetti with tuna&cabbage 
 Wakame green salad

This pasta is based on an Italian basic, "Aglio olio e peperoncino" and I just added what was left in the fridge.  I used up boiled cabbage left from Gyoza day and a canned tuna in olive oil, which my husband brought back from his business trip to Spain.  The cabbage gets even tastier in olive oil, was so sweet and soft.  In addition to easy prep and low cost, this can be a great diet menu because the low calorie and nutritious cabbage gives good volume!    

Feb. 11 grocery shopping €0 / €134.00 left

Ingredients (serves 2)
200g/7oz spaghetti
1 tbsp olive oil
1/6 head cabbage (boiled)
1 canned tuna in olive oil
1-2 red chilies
2 cloves of garlic

1. Slice garlic very thinly and devein chilies.
2. Cook spaghetti as indicated in the package. (Prepare the ingredients while cooking spaghetti)
3. Heat olive oil in a pan for 1 min., over a medium heat.
4. Cook garlic and chilies for 2-3 min. until garlic is lightly browned.
5. Add boiled cabbage and tuna (with olive oil) and cook for 2-3 more min.
6. Add cooked spaghetti into 5, salt&pepper and lightly mix for 20-30 sec. over a high heat. 

*I like using pre-boiled cabbage because it's sweeter and gets potato-like soft texture.
**Don't cook garlic and other ingredients over a too high flame because your pasta gets bitter when they are burnt.  Just about the heat over which the flavor of garlic and chilies can ooze out into oil will be perfect. 

Buon Appetito!

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