Monday, February 17, 2014


Back from the trip to France. Thinking of all the delicious food I tried, my mouth is still watering.  Of course I gained some weight but with no regret, it was totally worth it.  I'd like to share some of my gastronomic experience in my blog starting from the first day in Lyon, known as the city of gastronomy.  

After visiting some historical places, I and my husband decided to have late lunch at a Bouchon (casual restaurant that serves traditional Lyonnaise cuisine at affordable price), LE LAURENCIN.  This must be a famous place as it was packed and still had some people waiting outside.  

I ordered 3 course prix fixe Plate du jour (Menu of the day) of 15, starting with Salade Lyonnaise.  The poached egg was perfectly done and the dressing vinegar was giving the salad light taste despite of the grease of bacon.  I was astonished by the portion, that could be a complete lunch!
For the main course, I chose one of the most typical local dishes "Quenelle Lyonnaise"(dumplings of pike, flour, milk and egg mixture).  It was served broiled in lobster cream sauce, that tasted heavenly on the fluffy dumpling and rice on the side.  I loved this dish but may be too fishy for the people who don't like seafood.   
 Then the dessert, almost a main dish for me.  I ordered this without understanding what the waitress was explaining but it turned out to be a good surprise.  Tarte aux Praline served with vanilla ice cream was something I had never had, but something very familiar at the same time.  I did some research back at home and figured out that, its main ingredients "Praline Rose" is made of sugar and apricot kernel which is used also in my favorite Chinese dessert pudding "杏仁豆腐 -almond tofu"!

After lunch, we met up with a local friend and she took us to the indoor market, Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse.  They mostly have gourmet food such as every possible kind of cheese, locally produced yogurt, pates, best quality ham, cakes and macarons from famous patisserie and much much more.  It is a paradise for a food love like me.  Look at this beautiful lines of delicatessen...I could have stayed for a whole day here.

To be continued to Chamonix...

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