Friday, February 21, 2014

Chicken Cacciatore

 Making  leftover Ratatouille into pasta sauce sounded a bit boring so I came up with an eccentric idea to make Chiken Cacciatore, adding celery and red wine to add some kick.  I also used up the rest of canned tomato I used for Mexican rice the other night.  Oh how happy it makes me when I manage not to waste leftovers in the fridge!  I made it one-plate dinner with green salad and brown rice to balance nutrition intake.  Here is the "Cacciatore with leftover ratatouille" recipe!    

-Feb. 20 grocery shopping € 6.57 / € 63.95 left

Ingredients (serves 2)
2 pcs. chicken thighs
2 pcs. chicken legs
1 tbsp. butter
2 cups ratatouille
1 one stalk celery
1/2 canned tomato
1 tbsp. red wine

1. Clean chicken and stab with folk or fruit knife on both sides a few times.  Salt&pepper and let it sit for 10-15 min.
2. Chop celery into bite size chunks.
3. In a skillet, melt butter and saute chicken (starting from the skin side down) for about 10min. each side.
4. Take the chicken out and set aside.  
5. Cook celery in the same skillet for 3 min.  Add leftover ratatouille, canned tomato and red wine, simmer for 3-4min.
6. Put chicken back in a skillet and cook for 2 more min.

Bon Appetito!   

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