Thursday, April 10, 2014

Natto Spaghetti

 I can't live without natto.  This Japanese fermented soybeans is something you either hate it or love it.  According to Mario's stats, 99% of non-Japanese hate natto.  Many Japanese people don't like it either for its "disgusting" smell (not to me!).  But I love it and don't mind eating it everyday.  I must share the fact that my wacky lover can be enjoyed not only on the rice, but even with pasta.  This super-easy-to-prepare fusion is one of my long time favorites for when you don't feel like cooking.  One serving is about 450kcal, high protein low calorie!     

Ingredients (for one)
1 package of natto
100g/3.5oz spaghetti
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 tsp. Japanese Men-tsuyu
spring onion&nori to garnish

1. Chop spring onion.  Cut nori into very thin strips.
2. In a bowl, combine natto, soy sauce, Men-tsuyu and the sauce that is in natto package. (Discard mustard.)
3. Cook spaghetti al dente, drain and mix with the sauce (2).
4. Garnish with spring onion and nori.

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