Monday, April 28, 2014

Grilled Ham / Cream Spaghetti with Ham&Aparagus

Spagelzeit!!  People go crazy about white asparagus here in Germany when the season comes.  Super markets and restaurants are filled with "Spargel".  I got a bunch of green asparagus at 1.99 euros (good deal!) last Friday and grilled them simply with olive oil, salt&pepper to accompany the ham I brought back from Poland.   

For a lunch on the weekend, I made cream spaghetti using leftover ham and asparagus. It's easy and quick simple pasta but everybody will love crunchy asparagus in rich&creamy sauce!  

Ingredients (serves 2)
200g/7oz spaghetti
4-5 stalks asparagus
180g/6.3oz ham
1 tbsp. butter
2/3 cup heavy cream (I used 16% fat)
salt&pepper to taste

1. Cut asparagus into bite size and dice ham.
2. Cook spaghetti.  In last 3 min. add asparagus in boiling water together and cook together with spaghetti.
3. Meanwhile, melt butter in a skillet and cook diced ham.
4. Add cream to the skillet, then drained spaghetti and asparagus.  
5. Salt&pepper and stir for 20-30 sec.  

-Apr. 25 grocery shopping € 16.79/ € 33.90 left
-Apr. 26 grocery shopping € 6.04/ € 27.86 left

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