Saturday, April 26, 2014

Korokke Soba

 The first day after the trip always gives me a little headache.  I've been spoiled not to cook at all and don't have anything in the fridge!  But this time was easy.  My body asked me for simple Japanese food after a week of indulgence in high-fat Polish delicatessen.  I boiled a bag of Soba, defrosted Korkotte in the oven and ta-da, Korokke Soba is ready!  Korokke on Soba is pretty normal in Tokyo but I heard it's uncommon in other regions of Japan.  Dissolved potato thickens the soup and gives just right amount of grease to make it taste perfect dish.  I like the soup for non-dipping soba a little sweater than usual.  Here is the recipe.

Ingredients (portion for 2)
250g dry Soba
2 1/2 cup Dashi stock
6 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tsp. Mirin
1 tbsp. sugar

Korokke, spring onion and wasabi to garnish

1. In a small pot, bring Dashi stock, soy sauce, Mirin and sugar to boil.  Simmer for 3-4 min then add Dashi stock.
2. Meanwhile, boil Soba as instructed on the package.  Drain and cool under running water.
3. Place well drained soba in a bowl, pour over the soup and garnish with Korokke, chopped spring onion and wasabi.

-Apr. 23 grocery shopping € 11.73/ € 68.63 left

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