Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mentaiko Spaghetti

Spaghetti for two days in a row!  On Wednesday, I went for grocery shopping at a Korean supermarket and couldn't resist putting a package of the sauce I found, "Tarako pasta" sauce!!  This creamy pasta using flavored cod roe is definitely my most favorite Wahuu-pasta dish(Japanese fusion pasta).  Frozen Mentaiko is available here in Hamburg, but I never dared to buy one.  It's so expensive as 15 euros for 2 pieces!!  I used the pre-made sauce but will post my original recipe using fresh Tarako/Mentaiko, for the people who can get it at more reasonable price!      

-Apr. 9 grocery shopping € 22.30/ € 149.22 left

Ingredients (2 servings)
200g/7oz spaghetti
1 Mentaiko
1 1/2 tbsp. butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
ground white pepper to taste
nori to garnish

1. Take Tarako roe out of the skin and combine in a large bowl together with butter and heavy cream.
2. Cook spaghetti, drain and combine with Tarako sauce (1).  Pepper.
3. Garnish with nori and serve.

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