Friday, June 27, 2014

Hijiki & Ginger Rice

 I made flavored rice to serve with spring rolls and would like to share the recipe.  Hijiki is a kind of sea vegetable traditionally consumed in Japan, which is very rich in essential minerals and fiber.  You can find it in Macrobiotic or Asian food store but it's usually dried so you will have to rehydrate before using.  I love making Onigiris (rice balls) with leftover rice (if we get some)!

Ingredients (serves 4-6)
3 cups rice
3 1/2 cups water
2 medium carrots
30g ginger
10g (dried) Hijiki
1 tsp. Dashi powder
1 tbsp. sake
2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. salt 

1. Slice carrots and ginger very thinly.  Rehydrate Hijiki in water for 30 min. 
2. Wash rice and place in rice cooker/pot with water.
3. Add carrots, ginger, Hijiki (cut if it's too long), Dashi powder, sake, soy sauce and salt.
4. Cook in a rice cooker or pot as usual.

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