Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Zurek is a polish soup using soured rye flour.  When we visited our friend Marek thereI was amazed at how delicious Polish soups were, and the best one was this Zurek.  I got a big jar of soured rye (zur/kwas) from Marek's mom and it had been sitting in my fridge for 2 months.  It was time for Zurek!!   I added potatoes, carrots and white beans on the second day in order to change the taste.

400ml Zur
6 cups water/vegetable broth (I used water with vegetable broth powder)
200g pork belly (chopped)
200g ham

hard boiled egg
farmer's cheese (I used Greek goat cheese instead)

1. Cut pork belly and ham into small dice.  
2. Fry 1 in a large pot for 4-5 min.  Add water/vegetable broth and bring to boil. 
3. Add zur/zurek and simmer for 2-3 min.
4. Serve with hard boiled egg and cheese. 

-Jun. 3 grocery shopping € 7.55€ 234.80 left

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