Friday, June 6, 2014

Garlic Shrimp

 This is a dish I definitely need some improvement on.  It tastes good as it is, but there is a specific taste I'm looking for; Kahuku garlic shrimp from Hawaii.  There are several famous food trucks around the North Shore area and I tried one of them (don't remember which) on family vacation about 8 years ago.  I fell in love with their literally finger-lickin' good shrimps!!  I guess garlic, butter and soy sauce are key ingredients but the recipe to get Kahuku-level of wowness is still under experiment.  Here is my latest version of garlic shrimp just for the reference.

Ingredients (serves 4)
500g shrimp/prawn (preferably with shell)
5-6 cloves garlic
2 tbsp. sake
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 cup flour
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
4 tbsp. butter

steamed rice

1. Clean and devein shrimp leaving the shell.  Chop garlic finely.
2. Marinate shrimp with sake, soy sauce and salt&pepper and half of the garlic in a Ziploc for 2-3 hrs. in fridge.
3. Combine flour and cayenne pepper.  Coat shrimp lightly with the flour mixture.
4. Melt butter in a skillet and cook garlic for 1 min. then add shrimps.  Cook for about 3-4 min. each side.  Serve with steamed rice.  

-Jun. 2 grocery shopping € 7.65/ € 242.35 left

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