Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gratin Dauphinois

 Another favorite of my husband, Gratin Dauphinois.  I had it for the first time at our French friend's place and I immediately asked for the recipe.  This easy version requires very few ingredients and time so it's become a usual dish for when I have to use up potatoes!!  You can sprinkle Pamiggiano or Gruyere cheese on top if you like.

500g/1.1lbs potatoes
1 cup creme fraiche
garlic powder
1 tbsp. butter

1. Peel and slice potatoes to the thickness of a coin.
2. Spread butter on the bottom of the casserole and lay potato slices, slightly overlapping one and another.
3. Spread 2 spoonful of creme fraiche over the first layer of potatoes, sprinkle some salt and garlic powder.
4. Layer potatoes, creme fraiche, galic powder and salt until you use up all the ingredients and bake at 160°C/320°F for 1 hour and 10 min.

-Jun. 4 grocery shopping € 1.99€ 232.81 left

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