Thursday, July 17, 2014

Spare Ribs


 My last trial with home-made BBQ sauce for the ribs was not very successful and I decided to use commercial BBQ sauce this time.  It was way easier and tastier!!  I'm officially convinced to make ribs more often now that I know I can do ribs without the fuss.  Baking at lower temperature for a long time makes ribs fall-off-the-bones tender without the surface being burnt. 
ribs 650g
1/2 cup BBQ sauce 
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
2 tbsp. brown sugar

1. Mix oregano, chili powder, pepper, garlic powder and brown sugar well and rub on ribs.  Let ribs rest for 1-2 hrs.
2. Line aluminium foil in baking pan and lay ribs.  Roast in oven, uncovered at 130°C/260°F for 1.5 hrs.
3. Brush BBQ sauce on both sides of the ribs, cover with aluminium foil and roast for another hour.

-Jun. 25 grocery shopping €  16.65€ 93.50 left
-Jun. 27 grocery shopping €  32.95€ 60.55 left

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