Monday, July 21, 2014

Argentinian Empanadas

 I made Empanadas as snack for the guests who came to watch World Cup soccer match with us.  Who can resist home-made Empanadas hot from the oven??  They're prefect for game nights!!  A friend from Chile taught me how to make the dough and it has become the hall of fame of my cookbook.  It's slightly crunchy but not too hard, perfectly buttery and not too heavy or greasy.  You can get creative with fillings and go vegetarian; tomato&mozzarella, corn&chili peppers&bechamel sauce, spinach&ricotta and etc.    

Ingredients (makes about 25)
 ...<for the dough>
1kg/2.2lbs flour
250g/7oz shortening/unsalted butter 
300ml/10oz water
1 tsp. salt
2 eggs

 ...<for the filling>
800g/1.8lbs ground beef
2 small onions
2 boiled eggs
green olives (seeded)
4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup raisins
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. paprika powder

1 egg to brush tops

1. Make the filling.  Chop onions, olives, garlic and boiled egg finely.
2. In a skillet, heat olive oil and cook garlic and onions until translucent.  Add ground beef and cook until the color changes.  
3. Add raisins, olive and egg.  Season with nutmeg, paprika powder, salt&pepper and cook for another 1-2 min.  Turn off the heat and set aside.
4. Make the dough.  In a large bowl combine flour and salt.  Add melted shortening/butter, beaten eggs and water and knead well.
5. Dust a flat working surface and a rolling pin with flour.  Roll out the dough to 2mm/1/12" thickness.  
6. Cut out 20 round shapes.  Place the cooled filling in the center, water the edge and fold in half.  Pinch and twist to seal the edge.    
7. Brush tops with beaten egg and bake in oven at 180°C/350°F until golden brown. 

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