Tuesday, July 29, 2014


 Cold Gazpacho can cool you down, keep you hydrated and provides vitamins you need on a hot summer day.  It's a drinkable salad basically, but can be a stylish in a glass to add to your supper.  Most importantly, it is the easiest soup in the world!!  You just chop up veggies and turn on your blender switch...seriously that is ENERYTHING.  Enjoy this summer soup!! :)

Ingredients (serves 4)
1/3 red bell pepper 
3 large tomatoes
1/4 small onion
1/6 baguette
1/2 clove garlic
3 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
salt&ground white pepper to taste

1. Cut the vegetables and baguette in bite size.
2. Blend all the vegetables and baguette in a blender.  Add salt and vinegar.
3. Add olive oil gradually while blending.
4. Strain through a sieve if you like smooth texture (I don't) and cool for at least 2 hrs. in fridge before serving. 

-Jul. 15 grocery shopping €  7.39€ 156.61 left
-Jul. 16 grocery shopping €  19.41€ 137.20 left

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