Monday, May 19, 2014

Tortellini with Pesto Cream

 We got back from Denmark hungry last Wednesday afternoon and I figured out I didn't have anything in the fridge but half a bottle of heavy cream.  I quickly had to come up with something to fill our stomach and decided to cook tortellini with cheese inside, which my husband brought back from his business trip to Spain.  To go with tortellini, I made creamy sauce using a half a jar of Basil pesto I had thrown in the freezer a few weeks ago.  That was my "Thank God I haven't thrown it away!" -moment of the month.  I made the sauce totally by guess but it turned out to be very delicious pasta that I would make again even if it's not the only choice! 

Ingredients (serves 2)
250g tortellini
150ml/5oz heavy cream
1/4 cup Basil pesto

1. Boil tortellini as instructed in the package.
2. In a skillet or pot, combine heavy cream and pesto.  Simmer over medium frame for about 3-4 min.
3. Put drained tortellini into the sauce and stir to combine for another min.  Serve warm. 

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