Monday, May 12, 2014

Kimchi Natto

The menu on last Wednesday was; 
-steamed rice
-miso soup with onion
-spinach, tomato&egg stir fry
-Kimchi Natto

You can find fermented food in many parts of the world.  Kimchi from Korea, Sauerkraut from Germany, Anchovy from Italy, Kefir from Russia...all of them have been an important parts of human diet and old knowledge for food preservation without any chemicals.  Many of them have a strong flavor or a smell but I try to have them  on the table as much as possible on daily basis for its health benefit.  It is very efficient way to intake essential amino acids, vitamins&minerals.  You just have to chop Kimchi roughly and mix into a package of Natto to create this powerful food combo!

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