Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tamago Sushi

Sushi is perfect menu for a girl's night.  It's light, looks like pieces of jewelry and easy to pick up while chatting.  Last Friday my husband was away for his business trip, so I invited a friend over and prepared sushi, both Nigiri and Futo-Maki.  I used frozen and pre-sliced Sashimi you can get in Asian store for most of Nigiri, though, I made Tamgao-yaki (sweet egg omelet) and tuna&corn Gunkan (Nigiri that is boat-shaped and wrapped with Nori) myself.  You can't miss these home made sushi classics!!  This sweet egg omelet also goes in my Futo-Maki (rolls) usually, as its sweetness harmonizes all the diverse ingredients.  It might give you an extra work but definitely upgrade your sushi if you seek for authentic taste of Japan.  So I'd like to share the basic recipe of Tamago-yaki.

5 eggs
3 tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tbsp. sake
3 tbsp. water
a pinch of salt

1. Beat eggs in a bowl together with sugar, sake and salt.     
2. Heat a non-sticking pan (preferably square shaped) over medium heat and spread some vegetable oil with paper towel.
3. Pour 1/3 of egg mixture just to cover the pan with a thin layer.
4. When the bottom is firm (the surface should be still liquid) after 1-2min., lift up the closer side and fold.  Keep folding the egg sheet until you come to the end.  Push the roll back to closer end of the pan.  Oil the surface of the pan with paper towel again and pour another 1/3 of egg mixture.  Lift up the roll a bit so the liquid goes under the roll too.  Then fold again from your side towards the other end.  Repeat this process again with the remaining egg mixture.
5. Place egg roll on a cutting board and cool.  Slice as desired (thick slices for Tamago0Nigiri or think strips for Maki). 

-May. 23 grocery shopping € 28.31/ € 95.59 left

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