Friday, September 19, 2014

Sourcream Potato Salad with Bacon and Spring Onion

  Back from 3-week-vacation in Mexico.  I'd like to share how I got rid of a large amount of potatoes before the trip.  Potato salad sounds like a no-brainer idea but there's a little twist than the usual; with sour cream!!  Sour cream gives creamier taste compared to the regular potato salad with mayonnaise.  To confess, it was my first tryout with sour cream and I was a bit sceptic, but it turned out to be a great hit.  I just love this part of cooking; trying new combination of very basic ingredients and discovering a new taste!  Please try this recipe, you'll love it:)   

Ingredients (serves 4)
5 large potatoes
100g/3.5oz bacon
2/3 cup sour cream
1/4 cup chopped spring onion
salt to taste
1 tbsp. mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. ground white pepper

1. Boil potatoes with the skin.  When cooled, peel the potatoes and dice. 
2. Fry bacon in a skillet until crispy.
3. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and serve.

-Aug. 12 grocery shopping €  15.04€ 155.45 left
-Aug. 13 grocery shopping €  33.94€ 121.51 left
-Aug. 15 grocery shopping €  14.25€ 107.26 left
-Aug. 18 grocery shopping €   5.44€ 101.82 left
-Aug. 19 grocery shopping €  17.24€ 84.58 left
-Aug. 20 grocery shopping €  18.39€ 66.19 left

off to Cancun!!

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