Thursday, August 21, 2014

Shiso&Salmon Maze-gohan

 Maze-gohan is one of 100+ ways  that we have in Japan to prepare rice.  Mixed (from the verb meaning to mix  "Mazeru") with some kinds of ingredients AFTER rice is cooked.  When you cook rice already with ingredients, it's called Takikomi-gohan (like Hijiki Ginger Rice I made a few weeks ago).  I'm growing Shiso leaves on my balcony and enjoying them almost everyday during the short Hamburg summer, for rice, pasta, fritters and whatnot!  Here's one easy and healthy idea, if you're tired of regular plain white rice... 

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
300g/12oz rice
250g/9oz salmon fillet (fresh or frozen)
1 tbsp. sake
5-7 leaves of Shiso
1 tbsp. roasted white sesame seeds
salt to taste


1. Defrost salmon if you're using frozen.  Salt salmon and sprinkle sake, let it rest in fridge for at least an hour.  Meanwhile, cook rice as usual.  
2. Heat a non-sticking frying pan or skillet, grill salmon without oil.  Break the salmon up roughly in the pan.
3. Chop Shiso leaves roughly.
4. Mix salmon, shiso leaves, sesame seeds and salt with warm rice and serve.

-Aug. 5 grocery shopping €  17.79€ 198.64 left
-Aug. 6 grocery shopping €  14.38€ 184.26 left
-Aug. 7 grocery shopping €  13.77€ 170.49 left

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