Thursday, August 14, 2014

Totrtillas de Patatas (Spanish Omlet)

 We had "welcome home dinner" with some Spanish tapas on the night my husband got back from his a week long business trip to China.  I prepared Spanish omelet the day before and the rest (Jamon Serrano, Manchego cheese, grommet olives and etc.) was bought from delicatessen grocery store.  There are many versions of Tortilla Espanola but the classic is with potatoes and onion.  
6 large eggs
600g/1.3lbs potatoes
1 medium onion
1/2 cup olive oil
a pinch of nutmeg

1. Slice onion thinly.  Slice potatoes to thickness of 2-3 coins. 
2. In a large pan/skillet, heat half of olive oil and cook onion and potatoes for about 15 min. until potatoes are cooked.  Turn the heat off and cool a little.
3. Beat eggs in a large bowl with salt&pepper and nutmeg.  Put potatoes and onion into egg mixture and let it sit for 20 min.
4. Heat the rest of olive oil in a small non-sticking pan.  Pour in the egg&potato mixture and turn the heat low, cover and cook for 10 min.  Flip over once and cook for another 5 min. covered.

-Aug. 2 grocery shopping €  24.54€ 216.43 left

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