Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Japanese-western classic "Korroke" has an origin in Europe.  It is said that Dutch "Krokett" or Portuguese "Croquetas" were brought to Japan in first in Meiji era (1868-1912) and it's one of the most popular Japanized Western dishes "Yo-syoku" together with Curry, Tonkatsu, Hamba-gu, Beef stew and etc.

I made two kinds to have difference in flavors; pork Korokke and corn&cream cheese Korokke.  I made several badges to use up potatoes in the fridge and froze them in Ziploc bags.  You can defrost them in oven and they'll become perfect topping for Soba, curry and even in sandwiches!  

-Apr. 14 grocery shopping € 9.33/ € 109.20 left

Ingredients (2kindsX8 small pieces)
500-600g/1.1-1.3 lbs potatoes
1 onion
1 tbsp. butter

150g/5.3oz ground pork or beef
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
100g/3.5oz corn
100g/3.5oz cream cheese

1 cup flour
1 egg
1 1/2 cups Panko
vegetable oil for deep frying

1. Boil potatoes in a large pot, drain, peel and mash.  Divide into 2 equal portions; A for the meat Korokke and B for corn&cream cheese Korokke.
2. Chop onion finely and fry in a skillet with butter for 7-8 min until translucent.
3. Take half of 2 and combine with mashed potato B in a bowl.  Add corn, cream cheese, salt&pepper and mix. 
4. Add ground meat to the rest of onion in the skillet(2) and fry until cooked.  
5. Combine 4 with mashed potato A.  Season with nutmeg, salt&pepper and mix.
6. Dust your hands with flour and make a small flat-oval or mini sandbag shape with potato mixture.  Coat with flour, dip in eaten eggs, then cover with Panko.
7. Deep fry in 180°C / 350°F oil for about 3 min. until golden brown and drain excess oil on paper towels.

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